Arcana Imperii (series of 3)
These brown men
really loved to talk about
the metal weapons flying;
The mantras dissapearing;
Or a giant cat without mottle showing.
In the midst of such hubbub,
a fleet was crossing,
ambling, merchanting, late night staying, cheered as promising
By lifting up the grail of wine,
let their own selves drunk inside the antics of arrack and arenga.
They introduced collared cotton made of cotton wool spun by those who prayed without speaking,
Then taught a language unspeakable in a prayer
Came like a thief,
Made horses scatter,
cut its head off, promised the heaven and the feast of gods
I was there with them.
Ludwig Stern, “Per Fidem Intrepidus” (1870)
(“Memoirs of Tanah Runcuk”, Centre for Tanah Runcuk Studies)
Cannibale Royale (series of 3)
The brown men have thrown some party with European dance. Drunk intensely in the aroma of the wine aged much older than their mothers. An exchange exalted in the name of god, and the gold of the land baptized by the sweat[1]of those who prayed without speaking.
II am afraid of getting inured and ruined.
Ludwig Stern, “Per Fidem Intrepidus” (1870)
(“Memoirs of Tanah Runcuk”, Centre for Tanah Runcuk Studies)
Timoteus Anggawan Kusno (l. 1989, Yogyakarta)
Sejarah, ingatan, dan fiksi tentang sejarah adalah adalah sentrum ide bagi Timoteus Anggawan Kusno. Lulusan Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fisipol, UGM yang melanjutkan studi di Jurusan Ilmu Religi dan Budaya Universitas Sanata Dharma ini menggunakan unsur-unsur dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari (misalnya buku catatan, tas, koper) untuk membuat fiksi tentang catatan-catatan sejarah masa lalu. Karya-karya Timoteus berupa drawing dan instalasi atas kumpulan temuan barang sehari-hari, dijadikan bagian dalam permainan bahasa dan visual yang saling berkelindan antara fakta dan fiksi. Melalui proses penciptaannya, ia merekayasa pembacaan lain tentang berbagai kemungkinan atas masa lalu.
2012 [Group Exhibition] Les Tonneres de Brest, Brest
2012 [Experimental Short Film, Performance] Antenna, collaborating with Gigih Gardika (music composer)
2013 [Musical Theatre] Trotoar: City for Human at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta
2013 [Group Exhibition] Pertemuan Kedua, visual art exhibition collaborating with dancers and architects, Padepokan Bagong Kussudiardjo, Yogyakarta
2014 [Solo Exhibition] Etnography Exhibition by Center for Tanah Runcuk Studies: Memoar Tanah Runcuk, Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta
2014 [Commission Work] visual artist for Festival Film Dokumenter 2014
2015 [Group Exhibition] “Anatomy of The Lost Memory” in Liminal, Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta
2015 [Residency Presentation] I Forgot What I Remember, Arcus Studio, Ibaraki
2016 [Group Exhibition] Inside/Outside Skin: Beyond Masculinity, Ark Galerie, Yogyakarta
2016 [Residency] Kerjasama: Reciprocal in Artback NT, Alice Spring & Cemeti Art House, Yogyakartau
2016 [Group Exhibition] FBB: If All The Moons Aligned, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin
2016 [Short Documentary] 旅行鞄 Ryoko Kaban
2016 [Award] Shortlisted for ARTRAKER Biennial Awards, London
2017 [Art Fair] Art Stage Singapore
2017 [Duo Exhibition] Tony Albert & Timoteus Anggawan Kusno, Sullivan+Strumpf, Gillman Barracks, Singapore
2017 [Awarding Exhibition] Art for Peace, Artraker Biennale Prize, St. James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta
2017 [Commission Work] Hacking The Memory of You: 75 Years After The Japanese Occupation, Galeri Gejayan, Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta